nurtured mind after birth can only recite all they were educated to believe possible until dead being promised their intellect is an eternal spirit that will live beyond their years adapting here so far.
A conceived brain is DNA wired by chromosomes collected from each generaitongap prior to being concieved to navigate space living eternally separated now.
All you post is all the facts humanity has used to silence your self awareness daily and you don't want to end pretending life exceeds your time lived so far.
I empathize with your performance because I was nurtured the same way and I don't like the outcome of humanity's final destination as practiced historically in current events replayed over and over people expect better tomorrows 7 days a week while their own body never duplicates what has arrived so far twice, working same way 24/7 since personally conceived as a 5th generation gap added daily by previous 4 generations of your unique chromosome collection.
Now I have no sympathy for your character and complete empathy to your ancestral position equally occupying time now and I am completely apathetic about you dropping dead or staying alive.
I explain life in real time and you avoid it like you understand eveything I say. So I will continue to speak to anyone wanting to understand why humanity fails to sustain every society ever became part of humanity's New World Order scenario today.